Volunteers are an important part of what makes our schools great places to learn and grow. We value and appreciate the support of our volunteers. Volunteers have various roles at our schools including:

    • School council members and participants
    • Hot lunch day organizers
    • Reading program helpers
    • Field trip supervisors
    • Clubs/Teams helper
    • Classroom helpers 
    • Kiss-n-ride helpers

Please contact your local school's office if you’re interested in volunteering and would like to know more about the opportunities available.


To become a volunteer at Admiral Collingwood Elementary School, you must complete the following steps:

    • Create an account within the Volunteer Portal through SCDSB Community AppsPlease remember to choose the school you wish to volunteer with - Admiral Collingwood Elementary. Click here for a helpful 'how-to' guide for the Volunteer Portal account creation process
    • Complete the Accessibility Training available within the SCDSB Community Apps
    • Request a Volunteer Letter from the principal at Admiral Collingwood Elementary by emailing [email protected] This letter is required to be submitted electronically to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) during your Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) application process.
    • Complete the free Volunteer VSC application on the OPP website here

            Please note the following: The necessary information and documents that you will require in order to complete the application - this includes your full name (first, middle and last name)                                                                           and your Social Insurance Number. The application processing time is often several weeks.

    • Once you’ve received your VSC from the OPP, submit the current (dated within six months) VSC to the school via email to [email protected]  

                     Please note the following: All schools require VSC’s to be in their original form and emailed directly to the school for processing. Volunteers are unable to upload VSC’s directly to the                                                                   Volunteer Portal.  You can only open your VSC 3 TIMES before you become locked out of viewing it, and then have to contact the OPP to unlock it.

  • Once your application is complete, with all required documentation submitted and training completed, check on the status of your application on the Volunteer Portal via SCDSB Community Apps.

If you do not have a computer or require assistance, please contact the school.


Thank you for your interest in volunteering!